The Lyon collective BLING RING presents the 2nd edition of his eponymous exhibition at the Sophie…etc gallery, in the 11th arrondissement, in Paris, from September 28 to October 7, 2023.
This exhibition takes place as part of Parcours Bijoux, the triennial Parisian event, bringing together nearly 50 events dedicated to contemporary jewelry.
An exhibition presented for the first time successfully in Lyon in June 2022. The 4 organizers invited 18 jewelers including Louise Vurpas, to think about, create and propose their interpretation of the bling-bling ring, and for this renewal of the exhibition in Paris, bling-bling jewelry in general.
A theme that is an excuse to have fun, to pull out all the stops, but also a theme to question and put our current world into perspective.
Around sixty pieces are presented.
For this event whose theme you will have understood, that of tinsel, Louise chooses to divert the material by working with silver and its double. Two rings made of silver (metal) and silver (banknotes). For the Caillasse ring, the banknotes are considered as a material in their own right, a raw stone to be cut which will become an enormous solitaire.
As for the Porte Feuilles ring, bank notes replace, well arranged in their setting, an alignment of precious stones.
Louise plays here with the different meanings of material and financial preciousness by shaking up their codes and values.