Photo des trophées des Bocuse d'or réalisés par Louise Vurpas. Bijouterie-joaillerie sur-mesure

Louise Vurpas for the Bocuse d’Or

In 2014, the designer collaborated for the first time with the prestigious Bocuse d’Or. She was entrusted by the esteemed organizing committee to design, create, and craft the trophy that would reward the French selection. This team would go on to represent France in the following year’s international edition.

Photo du pion en Or 18 carats réalisé par Louise Vurpas pour le Monopoly. Bijouterie-joaillerie sur-mesure

Louise Vurpas for Monopoly

In 2016, Louise Vurpas contributed to the anniversary edition of a world-renowned board game. She was entrusted with crafting over a hundred gold tokens of the iconic mustached character, which were distributed across the game boxes.

Broche fabriquée par Louise Vurpas pour le Rotary Club. Bijouterie-joaillerie sur-mesure

Louise Vurpas for the Rotary Club

In 2021, the renowned global network of socially responsible leaders turned to Louise Vurpas to create a piece of jewelry for its most active female members. Ultimately, a brooch was chosen, featuring a hand as the central symbol—representing service, action, femininity, gentleness, and an outstretched hand as a gesture of help and support.